Today is the one-year anniversary of Gracefully Broken!
What a beautiful year it has been! Gracefully Broken has done so much in my life and with my walk in Christ. I am so thankful!
One of the biggest things I have discovered this year is that I am shakeable.
How I viewed the word shakeable is the opposite of being unshakeable - unable to change. Therefore, Shakeable meaning to change. I realized that I am shakeable when it comes to my relationship with God. My relationship “status” is always "inconsistent."
The word shakeable is actually a really interesting word. It is spelled two different ways: shakeable - used in describing something that IS currently shaken/changed and shakable - used in describing something that IS ABLE to be shaken/changed. In this case shakeable is the spelling to use because I am currently shaken, I will always be in this “shaken” state.
This is because the definition of Shakeable - means to be weakened. I am very much so weak. If I was not weak, if I was not shakeable, then I would not need God who is strong, who is unshakeable, who is always constant, and who never changes.
I have found beauty in the word shakeable because it reminds me of how much I need God in my life, how much I cannot do on my own, and how much God does for me.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful. By it, we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28-29
