My last blog talked about prayer and how you should never stop praying. This is just one of the small amazing things God has shown me these past few months. :)
I am currently doing a devotion called 100 Days to Brave and at the end of the devotion it gives you an activity. Well this particular day’s activity was to ask God one question and then to sit there and wait for Him to answer you.
Well first off, I had like a thousand questions and secondly, I was like this is pointless, God is not going to just answer me.
But I proceeded to do it because that’s “becoming brave.” So, I asked God way more than one question and sat there in silence… until it got incredibly weird and uncomfortable. I knew that it was going to end up like that. These last few weeks God had been answering all my prayers through scripture and readings… not literally telling me the answers.
But before I gave up, I decided to ask one more question. I asked, “Lord, why don’t I believe you’ll answer me right away?”
Immediately I heard/felt whichever one you would like to use… anyways the Holy Spirit telling me
You have lack of faith
Excuse me? What?
That was definitely not what I wanted to hear, but oh how true it was! Of course, there was that voice in my head (The Conscious) that was trying to tell me that it wasn’t God, that I must have just made that up. Well let me tell you something, later that day I was reading in Matthew and just so happened to read Matt. 6:30, which states, “you have little faith.”
Smack in the face round 2
At this point I’m like okay God, I get it. I have lack of faith… I don’t really know how I got here or how to get back, but here we are.
Not coincidentally, I read something that literally stated, “just ask God to fill you with faith.”
Well duh, why didn’t I think of that. So, I added it to my prayer list.
Shortly afterwards, I read Matthew 21:22 which states, “if you believe you will receive whatever you ask for.”
Really, it’s that simple (note that simple and easy are not the same thing), I just have to believe in God that He will give or answer the thing that I am praying for and I will receive it. I just have to believe that God will fill me with faith.
Let me tell you a story
The next day after I realized that I have a lack of faith, I was in a huge hurry and I was trying to do a lot of things in a very short, limited amount of time. So, I was trying to finish my laundry and get ready super-fast…Well I went to go get my laundry really quick, so I could finish getting ready because I had like 10 minutes to walk across the campus. I ran out of my room to grab my laundry and then very quickly realized that:
1. I did not deadbolt the door.
2. I did not bring my key.
3. I did not have my phone.
Yes, I was stuck outside my door with no key, none of my stuff, no shoes, and nobody to let me in because everyone was gone... oh, and I had no way of calling anyone to come save me.
Then I just started laughing. It was literally God showing me to be faithful and to believe that He will send someone to save me.
So, I was like okay Lord, I see what you’re doing here. You’re getting me to become faithful and to believe that you will help me in this situation.
I prayed. Lord, please bring me a roommate. I know you will, I have faith that you will, and I believe that you will.
I’m not even kidding, as soon as I grabbed my stuff to walk out of the laundry room my roommate was walking into our room.
Isn't that so beautiful.
Some people would say that was a coincident, but I don’t believe in coincidences.
This was God showing me to have faith and believe in Him, even in the little things!!
“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen.” Hebrew 11:1
God is always faithful to us- His children. We just have to reciprocate our faith in Him and believe confidently in Him, Jesus Christ.
Here is a link to 100 days of brave… Be brave and check it out!
I don’t believe in coincidence AT ALL, EVER. And you certainly are brave, and God is using you! Bravo!!!!
Hailey you are so wise beyond your means. I couldn’t have asked for a better granddaughter. God knew what he wanted when he created you. Keep on trusting and you will always be in gods eyes.