Psalms 119:53
“Indignation grips me because of the wicked, who have forsaken your law.”
A year ago, I found this verse and I immediately connected to it. It used to bother me, so badly, when people say they were “Christians” and then they would go out and drink, cuss or whatever the sin might be. It would make me so frustrated and made me view that person so differently. Especially, if it was someone I had been looking up to for a long time. I just didn’t understand why anybody would do something so stupid that would wreck their Christian walk…
One year later
This year I started freshman year of college. I was told that a lot of temptations would come my way because I’m out here in the “real world,” but boy did I underestimate that statement. I have always been very secure in my faith and have always known what is right and what is wrong. Believe me I have been faced with many temptations, but never really fell into them. As I started out this new “journey” I started with that strong faith (hence the word started). Then the thing that I thought I would never fall into, that “T” word that all the Christian leaders tell you to stay away from, grabbed me, and sucked me in. I found myself slowly drifting from that secure faith I once had to following the crowd of the world. I started doing stuff that I once was severely against (well I’m still against it) and I became that “Christian” the one that I had once found to be so irritating. How did I get here? How did I let myself get so far from God? How did I allow myself to fall into those temptations?
I would love to be able to answer all of those questions with the phrase, “It’s the devil’s fault.” He is out to steal, kill, and destroy, right? This is true, but the devil isn’t the only one out to get you… this may be a shocker to some, but our own flesh and bones are weak when it comes to temptations. Our flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41), so of course the flesh will -without a doubt- fall into temptations of the world.
I wish I could give step-by-step directions on how to prevent this from happening, but I can’t. Fact is, I’m still trying to figure it out myself. I know so far that I can never make a big enough mistake to where God will leave me and that, itself, gives me hope and security. I know that asking for forgiveness is the first step to restoration. I know that prayer and reading the word is one of the most important things to do in a relationship with God. I know that there will always be temptations, it’s inevitable. Lastly, I know that when I get myself aligned with God’s word and I begin to live the life God has planned for me, those temptations will be easier and easier to cast aside.
Here I am
Not am I only trying to get back to where I was in my relationship with God, but I’m trying to establish a better, stronger and more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ -My Redeemer-

Your so awesome Hailey and I’m so proud of you and your faith keep believing and know I love you very much